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Knox Box & Premise Alert Program


The Premise Alert Program was implemented as a means of ensuring that quality public safety services are made available to all citizens and sought to improve upon the efficiency with which services were provided to those individuals requiring special consideration in their attempts to access such services.

The purpose of the program is to ensure that emergency personnel has been equipped with additional information pertaining to the condition or needs of a citizen before the need arises.

(430 ILCS 132/) Illinois Premise Alert Program (PAP) Act has established the following definition:

The ability to identify special needs individuals, their places of employment, educational facilities, and residences are valuable resources in instances when or if an emergency response by law enforcement or fire protection personnel or both are needed.

“Disability” means an individual’s physical or mental impairment substantially limits one more of the major life activities; a record of such impairment; or when the individual is regarded as having such an impairment.

“Special Needs Individuals” means those individuals who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by individuals generally. 

The information is stored in our secure database and will be retained, by mandate, for a period of two years.  At the end of the time frame, the file may be updated. Participants are responsible for submitting a revised form with any changes that occur during the two-year period. We respect your privacy and ensure that all information will remain confidential and accessed by emergency personnel when responding to a request for service.

Download the Premise Alert Program Registration Form Below

Complete the form and return it to Cary Fire Protection District

  1. Mail to: 400 Cary-Algonquin Road, Cary, IL  60013

  2. E-Mail to:

  3. Fax to:  847-639-4175

For more information, please contact our business office at Station 1:

Phone: 847-639-2121
The business office is open Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm.

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